Symptoms and Treatment Options for Back Pain

Symptoms and Treatment Options for Back Pain

What is Back Pain?

Back Pain is one of the most common problems and might affect many of us at some point in our lives. Adults as well as teenagers might experience back pain.

It can affect your daily activities and make you feel uncomfortable. Sitting for long hours, lifting heavy weights or bad posture can cause severe back pain. Age also plays an important role and back pain sets in as you age either due to degenerative disks or weakening of the back bone. Back pain can be a problem or a symptom due to some other ailment. The key to treat back pain is knowing the root cause of it.You need to visit best Orthopedic Hospital in Hyderabad for all your back Pain related problems.


How Does Your Spine Work?

A healthy spine lets you stretch and bend without any kind of pain. Spine is the most important part of your body and without it, you can’t keep yourself straight or even stand up. Spine gives your body the needed support and structure.  Spine has 3 natural curves that helps you keep your body balanced. Spinal cord is the column of nerves that connects your brain with the rest of your body and allows you to control your movement.

Spine Structure


Your spine is made of 33 small bones and each bone is called a vertebra. Vertebrae protect and support the spinal cord and bear the weight you put on the spine. All the bones put together are called a Vertebrae.


Each vertebra in the spine is made up of a large bone called body and the laminae extends from the body and spinal cord.

Ligaments, Joints and Disc

In between each vertebra a soft gel-like cushion is present called a disc. The disc helps keep the bone from rubbing against each other and absorbs pressure. Ligaments connect bones to bones. There are also tendons in the spine, which connect muscles to the vertebrae. Like other parts of the body such as the knee or elbow, the spinal column also has joints.

The spine has three segments called as

  • Cervical Spine
  • Thoracic Spine
  • Lumbar Spine
  • Sacrum and
  • Coccyx

What Causes Back Pain?

There are many reasons for back pain and the backbone is a structure of bones, ligaments and tendons. These three work together to help you support and move your body around. Any problem in these three areas can result in back pain.  One of the most common causes of back pain is strain.


Lifting heavy load or bad posture can lead to strain in the back. Strain in the back can be due to

  •         Injuries
  •         Degenerated Disk
  •         Tension or Muscle Spasm and
  •         Strained Ligaments


Back Pain due to Structural Problem:

  •     Inflammation: It is a part of your body’s immune response and can cause pain, discomfort and pain. Inflammation can be either due to an injury or disease and causes chronic soreness in your spine and back.
  •     Arthritis:Osteoarthritis can cause problems in joints of the hip, lower back and other parts in the body. In a few cases, the space around the spinal cord can narrow and is called as Spinal Stenosis.
  •    Kidney Problem:Kidney infection or stones in the kidney can cause back pain
  •     Posture:Poor posture or abrupt movement like twisting can cause back pain. Sometimes Over-stretching can also result in back pain. Carrying heavy things improperly, sitting in the same posture for a long time without moving can cause back pain.
  •     Sciatica: It is caused due to herniated or bulging disk pressing on. Lower back pain can be accompanied by sharp pain and travels through the buttock down the leg.


Back Pain Symptoms

One of the main symptoms of back pain is ache or pain in the back and sometimes all the way down the legs and buttocks. Sometimes back pain can also cause pain in other parts of the body depending on the nerve it is affected. Back Pain can range from muscle aching to stabbing feeling or burning sensation.  When to visit the doctor

  •         Swelling in the back
  •         Fever
  •         Pain down the leg
  •         Trauma to the back
  •         Pain in the knees
  •         Persistent back pain
  •         Weight loss
  •         Difficulty in Urinating
  •         Numbness or tingling feeling in both or one legs
  •         Persists for few weeks

Physical Exam by a best Orthopedic doctor in Hyderabad will rule out the cause of your back pain.

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We at Sai Sanjeevini Super Speciality Hospital, Hyderabad offer all Health Care Services. We are the best Orthopedic Hospital in Hyderabad and endeavor to be the best Orthopedic Doctors in Hyderabad. At Sai Sanjeevini Hospital we always provide quality health care services that combine with effectiveness, advanced treatment procedures and state of treatment technologies.