What Should You Know Before Taking Antibiotics

What Should You Know Before Taking Antibiotics

Antibiotics are medicines that fight bacterial infections in people and animals to destroy or slow down the growth of bacteria. They include a range of powerful drugs used to treat diseases caused by bacteria so the body’s immune system can fight them. Some bacteria can cause symptoms that resemble viral infections, and Some viruses cause symptoms that resemble bacterial infections. Consult the best Super Speciality Hospital in Hyderabad; your Doctor can recommend the proper type of treatment and determine what kind of illness you have.

The two most common types of germs that cause most infections: are bacteria and viruses.

Bacteria cause:

Most ear infections

Some sinus infections

Strep throat

Urinary tract infections

Antibiotics do kill specific bacteria.

Viruses cause:

Colds and flu

Runny noses

Most coughs and bronchitis

Most sore throats

Antibiotics do not kill viruses but help you to feel better when you have a virus.

When are antibiotics needed?

Your Doctor at Best Multispeciality Hospital in Hyderabad should answer this complicated question, depending on the specific diagnosis. For example, there are several types of infections—most need antibiotics, but some do not. Viruses cause most cases of throat infections.

Common viral infections, like colds or coughs, can sometimes become complicated, and a bacterial infection can develop. However, treating viral infections with antibiotics is not recommended because of the risk of causing bacterial resistance to prevent bacterial infections.

  • Remember that antibiotics do not work against viral colds and flu and that unnecessary antibiotic can be harmful.
  • Talk with your healthcare provider about antibiotics, discover the differences between bacteria and viruses, and when antibiotics should and should not be used.
  • If your child is suggested to use an antibiotic, be sure to give it exactly as prescribed to decrease the development of bacteria resistance. Have your child finish the entire prescription. Don’t stop the medicines immediately when the symptoms of infection go away.
  • Do not share your prescribed antibiotics with anyone else or take an antibiotic given to someone else.
  • Antibiotic resistance is a problem in both adults and children.

Remember to take antibiotics appropriately, and ensuring your child receives the proper immunizations will help prevent taking more costly and dangerous medicines. Talk with your Doctor at Super Speciality Hospital in Hyderabad for more information.

Some other Mild to Severe Side Effects

Antibiotics have many side effects, which range from minor skin irritations and rashes to potentially fatal anaphylactic shock reactions.

These side effects include:

Kidney Problems

A painful throat

Respiratory problems

Nausea and vomiting

Heart palpitations

Muscle spasms

Increasing joint swell

Retinal detachment



Nausea and vomiting


Abdominal pain

According to earlier studies, nearly one-third of the prescribed antibiotics are unnecessary. Most ailments that send people to the Doctor at Best Multispeciality Hospital in Hyderabad, such as painful cough, upper respiratory infection, or any viral illness, will not respond to antibiotics that are effective on bacterial infections only. Ask your doctor about any alternative medicines and try them instead of antibiotics. Save antibiotics for the big fights.